Reckoning with a Hustler, or What a Lucky Guy! – Episode 193

In this episode, Dara is totting up the wins in his life. There aren’t many, considering his age, but maybe more than enough. A cat on a wet shack roof is not one of them. Nor is revisiting ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary’, which he did in stealth mode. But the wins he does list are pretty cool, and some are just about the most important things in his life.

Reflecting on the ways in which he could be considered lucky, Dara identifies two things that seemed to just dwell inside him that are definitive proof of his theory. He realises this mode of thinking has been prompted by a recent conference he participated in on Boys in the Making – a long-term masculinity project with which he has become very involved. Just how important is it to listen to boys and men?

His daughter has recently changed how she addresses Dara, and he doesn’t like it. But another sign of upheaval though it is, he seeks solace in a couple of other podcasts that offer a little tonic to his troubled soul.

Dara’s post on the Boys in the Making conference –

What Does He Need? website –

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