The 1st Birthday Episode! – Receiving Transmissions of Joy – Episode 53

In this episode Dara is very pleased to be celebrating a year of The ClearOut. He revisits the last twelve months and talks about some of the other ways he was spending his time.

After last week’s serious and rather confronting subject matter, Dara turns his attention to things joyous and joyful. He wonders how joy is transmitted and whether we shouldn’t be actively seeking it out, or at the very least tuning our ‘life balance radio’ to try and catch the positive signals that are out there.

He argues for the joy of connection and being present, and marvels at the generous spirit of a grumpy rock star. He discusses the power children have to be present and observant and in thrall to the moment, and how as adults we would do well to open ourselves to such innocence and wonder. He also looks at the resounding positive impact an adult can have on a child, simply by seeing them.

Also, coffee, football, pop-singing trolls, Latin lovers, and grotesque narcissism.

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