Honing the Eye, the Hand, and the Mind: Interview with Illustrator and Sculptor, Alan Clarke – Episode 68

In this choc-a-bloc inteview, Dara enjoys being taken to art school by the accomplished illustrator and sculptor, Alan Clarke. Alan and Dara were in primary school together a million years ago and this is their first time to sit down for a proper chat since then.

Alan discusses growing up in an artistic household before commencing a degree in architecture upon leaving school. From there he followed his love of drawing and illustration to do further training in Cornwall in England. He talks about his evolution through art, moving from illustration to portrait sculpture and how he has tried to channel more of his soul into his work.

Along the way, Alan speaks eloquently about what art is and isn’t, the importance of good training, and his belief that art should always have the capacity to astonish. Among his many other achievements, including teaching a portrait sculpture masterclass in Moscow, Alan is the illustrator of the hugely popular Ross O’Carroll Kelly books.

Check out some of Alan’s work on his instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/mralanclarke/

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