How Does That Sound? – Testing Opposing Belief Systems – Episode 174

In this episode, Dara reflects on a weekend spent with an old friend and his resultant fatigue, both psychological and intellectual. It prompts an interrogation of his belief and value systems and whether they are more or less valid than those of his friend’s. He argues that it is healthy, and perhaps even necessary, to have someone you regard challenge you with love.

Dara shares his response to a wonderful interview with the fantastic Miriam Margolyes and confesses to finding her an absolute tonic after the combative intellectual jostling he engaged in with his friend. He is full of admiration for her unapologetic sincerity and forthrightness. It leads to a consideration of what he frames as ‘heart and gut’ versus ‘facts and figures’. Is either better than the other, or are they just different comfort zones for different types of people?

A recent job interview resulted in no job offer, but Dara still regarded the experience as a great success. For a couple of weeks he lived with altered energy as he anticipated a changed future and the positive challenges it would bring. Digesting the disappointment of rejection, he recalls another bittersweet memory of a much more personal nature.

Also in this episode, considering the joys of ASMR, Dara is hopeful listeners won’t be bothered by the very audible raindrops that fall throughout the episode. And a couple of minutes on the dreadful 1998 action movie, ‘Armageddon’.

Adam Buxton interviews Miriam Margolyes:

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