Pannonia Girls
Eyes pools of wonder,
glittering intelligence,
sparkling mischief.
Bodies shaped by pride,
confidence and interest.
Dimples and grins
of gaiety and penny-dropping knowing.
In the wooded space
they have been given leave
to grow, to be wrong,
to be curious.
Castles and kingdoms,
and queendoms,
made in dollhouses.
The lash, the whip and the curse
have not been handed down.
Given no greater privilege,
fortune or indulgence
than love.
Three pennants flying high
above the conifers of Pannonia.
Three daughters leaving Lear
and his wife with no doubts
about loyalty, sovereignty or estate.

σας ευχαριστώ…
Je vous remercie..
shukraan lak…
somewhere deep inside are the words but i cant enounce them.
I couldn’t have put it better myself!🤓
Nice one horse. 🙂
I see what you did there.😉