A mental health-focused episode partly inspired by Blindboy Boatclub’s ongoing commitment to sharing his own mental health and wellness journey.
A free rolling, some might say freefalling, edition of the tell has Dara reflecting on his university days and the persona he leaned into then. The context is identity and authenticity and what face we show the world.
Dara discusses his recent tendency to catastrophise his concerns when he is in bad form. He looks at that through a self-defence lens to help modify his perspective and considers strategies to help deal better with the perceived threat. Not for the first time, he finds himself advocating response over reaction. He expands by asking whether we can assess choices in terms of helping or hindering us.
An upcoming appointment with a new dentist has Dara concerned about what secrets his teeth will reveal.
The Blindboy Podcast – ‘Why I’m going Back to Therapy’ episode: https://play.acast.com/s/blindboy/why-im-going-back-to-therapy